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If you're interested in investing more than $150,000 or know someone who is, please schedule a call with us.


Please consider investing in 'THE FIRING SQUAD ' set to hit theaters August 2, 2024.


We need to raise just $1 million more to have a full theater release and do well at the box office.


If you - or someone you know - can invest at least $150,000, please schedule a call with us.


The film releases in theaters nationwide on Aug.2.Here's a current list of theaters (updated daily):


Directed By

Timothy A. Chey



James Barrington 
Kevin Sorbo 
Cuba Gooding Jr. 
Tupua Ainu'u     
Edmund Kwan 
Madeline Anderson 
Eric Roberts 

Let's Talk!

Are you an accredited investor? (Defined by the SEC under Reg D as a person having an annual income exceeding $200,000 ($300,000 for joint income) for the last two years, or a net worth exceeding $1 million, either individually or joint.)

Thanks for submitting! We will contact you soon.

If you're interested in investing more than $150,000 or know someone who is, please schedule a call with us.

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